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Maritime Surveillance Expertise

Actionnable data for Maritime Safety and Security

For more than 30 years, CLS develops pioneering solutions for today’s maritime decision makers across both private and public sectors.

Relying on satellite and drone technologies, we provide value-added services for the entire maritime community throughout solutions for maritime domain awareness, regulatory compliance, or fleet management.


Unleash the Power of Data

satellite icon
400+ satellites used in CLS solutions for maritime applications
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120+ experts in AI, big data, data fusion, data mining

client support

24/7/365 analysis capacity & customer service availability to provide personal support

availability rate

+99,9% availability rate of CLS applications thanks to on-premises operations & data centre

Our Expertise

CLS works hand in hand with maritime stakeholders to provide key actionable information to help you make time-critical decisions.

A unique access to global data

Working with multiple providers worldwide, CLS gives you access to the data you need:  geolocation data (satellite and terrestrial AIS, LRIT and VMS), Earth Observation data (radar and optical imagery), satellite RF detection, meteorological and oceanographic data, vessel commercial databases, etc.

An expert in data fusion and AI technologies

Thanks to its unique position on the data value chain, CLS is an expert provider of state-of-the-art solutions based on multi-sensors data. Our teams are able to process, fuse and analyse multisource data from various sensors including satellite or drones towards development of operational applications in support of maritime daily challenges.

Customised solutions for each maritime actor

Maritime risk & intelligence platform for maritime domain awareness and sanction compliance, RPAS deployments for maritime surveillance and search & rescue operations, compliance with IMO regulations such as SOLAS convention for ship security and safety (LRIT and SSAS solutions), tracking and business intelligence services leaning on Inmarsat, Iridium and Argos satellite network.

Whatever your need is, CLS is the right partner!

Recognised technical expertise worldwide

To meet users’ expectations, our team counts numerous maritime analysts, experts in satellite imagery and maritime intelligence, authors of reference regularly solicited by national and international organisations and involved in R&D projects related to satellite data innovation.


border control

(…) We are following with great interest the development of the TRIMARAN III service, provided by CLS, especially its ability to correlate information of different kinds. We have recently conducted several experiments, which have allowed us to evaluate CLS services.

These experiments have been promising and have allowed us to understand the qualities and areas for improvement. We remain convinced that part of the success lies in the ability to correlate data from various sensors. The last query showed the using the new TRIMARAN III portal was intuitive.

French Navy Staff Officer, Operation Division

Discover CLS Maritime Applications

Maritime Domain Awareness & Law Enforcement

Maritime Compliance

Maritime Fleet Management

RPAS Solutions

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Begin with CLS

How can we help you? CLS works with partners in all areas, both private and public, in charge of maritime surveillance. If you want to know how we can help you increase your performance, get in touch with our team.