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Maritime Domain Awareness & Law Enforcement

CLS provides drone and space-based services for the safety and security of people and assets at sea: detection of illegal activities (air and marine pollution, IUU fishing, people and goods trafficking, smuggling, piracy, border control…), monitoring and management of areas, fleets, or vessels of interest, and support to Search & Rescue operations.

Get an unequaled surface picture for enhanced maritime intelligence.


Securing the World’s Seas

CLS works hand in hand with maritime authorities and law enforcement agencies to guarantee the sovereignty of their waters.


imaging and geopositionning satellites used in CLS’ MDA solutions


millions of AIS messages processed every day


optical and radar images processed every year


wing and hybrid RPAS deployable by CLS for multipurpose maritime surveillance

maritime awareness system

Maritime Awareness System (MAS):
Detect & Monitor Maritime Threats

Data fusion and in-depth analysis to build the most complete picture and deliver actionable intelligence.

MAS provides real-time and historical insights to maritime authorities, coast guards, customs, intelligence agencies and navies worldwide for area monitoring and vessel behavioral analysis.

oil spill monitoring

Oil Spill Monitoring:
Pollution Detection & Response

CLS helps detecting oil spills for operational response and support for recovery.

Using satellite imagery, we detect and identify oil slicks, calculate its drift with in-house algorithms and provide analysis reports with real-time and accurate analysis, leading to the identification of potential polluter.

search and rescue

Themis SAR:
Support to Search & Rescue Operations at Sea

We support authorities in the planning and coordination of search & rescue operations, enabling time-critical decisions to save lives at sea.

Themis SAR is an incident management system helping target search areas, calculate search patterns and determine resources to be allocated.


Patrick Roussel

(…) CLS provides us with an all-in-one means of real-time surveillance of our identified targets, for a wide range of missions and even in the most remote maritime zones (…)

(…) MAS also enables us to detect suspicious trajectories or behavior at sea. Supported by powerful algorithms and AI, the solution highlights ships requiring advanced control among the thousands of vessels transiting our waters every day (…)

MAS also integrates satellite acquisitions, enabling us to enhance our knowledge of our maritime territory.

(…) The CLS solution is the perfect complement to our existing systems, and is now proving indispensable in our day-to-day missions to combat illicit maritime trafficking in drugs, arms and human beings.

Patrick Roussel, in charge of “Operational Transformation” at the French Customs’ National Coastguard Directorate

RPAS: For an Even More Complete Surface Picture

Find out how Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) is an essential tool for efficient maritime surveillance.

Latest News

Franco-Sri Lankan Victory Against Eco-Crime

Franco-Sri Lankan Victory Against Eco-Crime

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Begin with CLS

How can we help you? CLS works with partners in all areas, both private and public, in charge of maritime surveillance. If you want to know how we can help you increase your performance, get in touch with our team.