Oil Spill Monitoring

A Proven Solution to Detect and Monitor Oil Pollution at Sea

Accidental or from illegal discharge, oil spills require rapid response to avoid massive spread at sea and mitigate dramatic impacts on marine environments.

CLS helps you detect and identify oil spills, calculate their drifts and potential polluters for immediate response, monitoring and support contingencies.


We rely on a Complete Service Chain to Monitor Oil Pollution

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Radar satellite imagery, a proven technology to identify oil slicks


RPAS for targeted detection and monitoring of oil pollution

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Dedicated interface for analysis, drift modelling and polluter identification


The MAR-GE/T floatable beacon for in-situ pollution tracking

oil spill monitoring

Radar Satellite Imagery
for Accurate Identification

We acquire, process, and interpret SAR imagery to detect and classify accidental or intentional oil spill.

Satellite radar images are a proven technology for oil spill detection offering coverage over large areas. This technology is especially efficient in detecting pollution in all weather conditions, day or night.

We offer best revisit rate relying on main radar satellite constellations available, and near real-time capacity through CLS’ direct receiving stations.

CLS drone

RPAS Operations
for Additional Insights

We can rapidly deploy RPAS (Remotely Piloted Aircraft System) on specific areas to collect information on the oil slick locally.

This cost-effective solution will save you time and manpower, with accurate insights thanks to real-time transmission of data from high-performance sensors.

visualization mas platform

In-Depth Analysis
for Timely Operational Response

Decision makers and responders are granted with powerful insights to conduct operational response: location and size of the oil slick, near real-time calculation of the drift and identification of the potential polluter for prosecution.

Visualise all the information you need through our MAS platform.

MAR-GE/T transmitter

Floatable Drifter for In-Situ Pollution Tracking

Simply place the MAR-GE/T beacon on the surface of the oil slick and let it drift for in-situ measurement and monitoring of the pollution, as it is equipped with a GPS data logger reporting up to 96 daily accurate positions.

This easy-to-use drifting floatable beacon provides global satellite coverage and geofencing services through the Argos satellites network.

Latest News

Franco-Sri Lankan Victory Against Eco-Crime

Franco-Sri Lankan Victory Against Eco-Crime

Flagrant pollution offences observed from space, criminal polluters identified thanks to CLS, a subsidiary of the French Space Agency, penalties imposed by local authorities, unprecedented discovery...

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Begin with CLS

How can we help you? CLS works with partners in all areas, both private and public, in charge of maritime surveillance. If you want to know how we can help you increase your performance, get in touch with our team.