Home > Solutions > Maritime Domain Awareness & Law Enforcement > Maritime Awareness System (MAS)

Reliable and Secured Platform for Decisive Insights

Through artificial intelligence, we deliver actionable intelligence, provide behavioural analysis, identify any abnormality and raise alerts upon specific risks.

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Selection of best quality data available through a wide range of maritime data partners

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Processing and fusion of heterogeneous information through big data technologies

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Abnormal patterns detection, predictive analysis and risk assessment with AI algorithms

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MAS, an easy-to-use web platform to access actionable and predictive intelligence


Get an unparalleled maritime picture of the world’s oceans.

Act with greater impact against all illegal activities, monitor your borders, manage your area and investigate any vessel or fleet of interest.

Illegal Fishing

Smuggling, Drugs & Goods Trafficking

Fleet or Vessel of Interest

Area Monitoring

Border Control

Main Features

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Real-time behavioural analysis

Perform automated detection of ship’s behaviour and receive alerts in case of any suspected vessel’s behaviour or event, such as transhipment, shipbreaking…

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Historical screening

Review history of any ship and analyse their past movements for investigation.

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Live monitoring

Monitor large and remote areas, any fleet or vessel of interest using heterogeneous data (satellite and terrestrial AIS, LRIT and VMS, RF detection, radar & optical imagery).

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On-demand EO & RF tasking
Gain access to EO images and RF acquisitions whenever you need, with in-depth analysis by CLS’ maritime analysts.
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Sanction compliance

Manage your risk and identify non-compliant actors by searching vessels against sanctions lists (MoUs, OFAC, UN…) and relevant indicators on ownership, structure, documentation…

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Customised reports
Create automated report on vessel, area, satellite imagery, event… or request an ad-hoc intelligence report.
Export and download any data in different formats (CSV, KMZ,…).
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Geographical data
Access to different charts (marine map, satellite map…), marine layers (MPAs, EEZs, SAR areas…) and to CLS’ port database. Create your own areas and assign specific features (high risk area, control area…) for customized monitoring of activities.
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Environmental data
Meteorological and oceanographic data to monitor currents, winds, swell, surface temperature, water colour, sea ice, cloud cover…
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Vessel details
By leaning on multiple commercial vessel databases, investigate any ship and search for details (name, IMO number, MMSI, call sign, flag…).
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Vessel tracking
Track and obtain information on desired ship: position report, speed, heading, port of call, ETA… Simply add a vessel to your fleet of interest for monitoring.

Latest News

Franco-Sri Lankan Victory Against Eco-Crime

Franco-Sri Lankan Victory Against Eco-Crime

Flagrant pollution offences observed from space, criminal polluters identified thanks to CLS, a subsidiary of the French Space Agency, penalties imposed by local authorities, unprecedented discovery...

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Begin with CLS

How can we help you? CLS works with partners in all areas, both private and public, in charge of maritime surveillance. If you want to know how we can help you increase your performance, get in touch with our team.