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Controlling the Impact: Strategies for Addressing Oil Spills with CLS’s Expert Solutions

The consequences of oil spills at sea are synonymous with causing harm to human health, the environment, and marine ecosystems.
This year, we detected from our VIGISAT center located in Brest, France, 700 oil pollutions at sea.
Fortunately, solutions are available to combat such pollution, and CLS leverages space-based technologies, including satellites as valuable assets to detect and quantify oil slicks. By complementing traditional methods, we support and streamline crisis unit missions.
The data derived from our satellite imagery experts not only aids in the identification of polluters but can also be utilized in legal proceedings to hold accountable those responsible for environmental damage.
Leveraging Space-Based Data to Empower Maritime Authorities Worldwide
In response to this plague and with a commitment to safeguarding the oceans, CLS has harnessed cutting-edge technologies to develop the MAS solution. This exclusive tool is tailored to the needs expressed by maritime authorities, placing data at the core of operational theaters.
MAS: Empowering through smart data fusion, Big Data, AI, and Machine Learning
The Maritime Awareness System (MAS) by CLS effectively processes and utilizes Big Data, allowing for the real-time reception, storage, and querying of vast volumes of data from various sources such as AIS, SAT-AIS, LRIT, VMS, SAR, optical imagery, RF, and vessel information.
These diverse datasets serve as the foundation for conducting real-time or historical surveillance on specific areas, fleets, or vessels of interest. MAS also facilitates the creation of alerts for particular events or vessel behaviors.
Drawing on 30 years of experience in collaboration with the maritime industry, CLS has developed sophisticated algorithms for automated detection of vessel behavior, ensuring the integrity and quality of the data.
More about our Maritime Awareness System
Sea Pollution Management: CLS Introduces Comprehensive Oil Spill Contingency Services
In the realm of sea oil pollution, whether intentional (degassing) or accidental, CLS offers an integrated oil spill contingency service to support international authorities, customs, coast guard, navies, and international maritime security agencies, in their surveillance missions. The objective is to safeguard the maritime domain by providing a concise and accurate maritime surface picture.
When faced with sea pollution incidents, CLS plays a crucial role in accessing and interpreting mission-critical information. This capability empowers decision-makers to make timely and confident choices with an unwavering commitment to security. CLS’s team of experts annually analyzes more than 1800 images, ensuring a vigilant and informed approach to addressing pollution challenges at sea.
Thorough Ocean Monitoring: CLS’s VIGISAT Station Takes the Lead

VIGISAT Center at Brest, France
In the ongoing battle against maritime challenges such as traffic, pollution, IUU (Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated) fishing, and the estimation of AEP (Annual Energy Production) for commercial wind farms, the CLS’s VIGISAT station in Brest, France has been a key player since 2009. This station is dedicated to acquiring and processing high-resolution satellite images.
Our team of maritime experts remains vigilant 365 days a year, meticulously assessing the satellite images received by VIGISAT. These images possess remarkable capabilities, allowing observation day and night, and even penetrating through cloud cover. When combined with the analytical expertise of our business analysts, VIGISAT provides a space-based solution unparalleled in its efficiency.
Thanks to CLS’s operational and real-time capabilities, VIGISAT proudly stands among the elected few in the exclusive circle of European maritime surveillance by satellite.
What are the results?
After 10 years of service, thanks to the European CleanseaNet service, for which CLS is a major player, the number of oil spills detected in European waters has been halved.