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Publication by the French Navy’s MICA Center (Maritime Information Cooperation & Awareness Center) of the 2019 worldwide report on piracy and robbery

The security of our oceans worldwide has been scrutinized in the MICA Center report: a resurgence of robbery in the Caribbean, a sharp increase in kidnapping in the Gulf of Guinea over the past three years, with Nigeria, Cameroon, Gabon and Togo in the lead, while the figures for the Indian Ocean have been falling over the past ten years. Somalia is benefiting from the security measures in place and has only one case of piracy in 2019. The Straits of Malacca and Singapore have seen a sharp increase in criminal acts.
Piracy and armed robbery at sea, endanger the safety of crew and goods carried. This threat can be monitored thanks to CLS’s real-time Maritime Awareness System (MAS), which provides an unprecedented support for maritime intelligence.

Maritime Awareness System: the complete and real-time picture to monitor maritime activity
With MAS platform, CLS proposes a turnkey tool to extract actionable intelligence from large quantities of data at a glance.
Big Data & Machine Learning
MAS exploits and processes Big Data allowing to receive, store and query, in real-time huge volumes of multiple data sources (AIS, SAT-AIS, LRIT, VMS, SAR, optical imagery and vessel information). These multiple data sets form the basis for performing real-time or historic surveillance on an area, fleet or vessel of interest, as well as creating alerts for specific events or vessel behavior.
30 Years’ Experience
Based on 30 years’ experience working with the maritime industry, CLS developed algorithms to perform automated detection of vessel behavior and ensure integrity and quality of data.
A Trusted Solution
MAS is a trusted and proven solution helping government agencies to access and understand mission relevant information enabling time critical decision making with an unquestioned level of security and reliability.