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Visit to CLS Brest by French Secretariat of the Investment

The SGPI, Secrétariat Général à l’Investissement, in charge of France 2030, toured the French region of Brittany for two days to meet the academic and industrial players and discuss their strategic development and innovation areas.
The morning of Thursday 12 January was devoted to the maritime sector.
The delegation led by Mr Bonnell included several people from the General Secretariat for Investment, including Jean-Marc Galland, sub-prefect, director of the territorial division and Patrick Olivier, director of the ecological, agricultural and industrial transition division.
In addition to the representatives of the General Secretariat for Investment accompanying Mr Bonnell, CLS was pleased to welcome :
- Representatives of the Finistère prefecture, including Mr Philippe Mahé, prefect,
- Representatives of the Regional Prefecture, including Mrs Marie Wencker, France 2030 sub-prefect,
- Elected representatives in the person of Senator Nadège Havet, and Members of Parliament Jean-Charles Larsonneur and Didier Le Gac,
- Brest Métropole represented by Mr. Michel Gourtay, Vice-President in charge of the economy and President of the Technopôle Brest Iroise, as well as Mrs. Françoise Duprat, Director of the Technopôle.
CLS is particularly honoured to have been able to welcome the SGPI delegation to its Technopole Brest Iroise premises.
Vincent Kerbaol, Head of Innovations & Solutions for Maritime Surveillance, and Director of the CLS Brest site, welcomed the delegation and presented the CLS group and its applications for maritime surveillance. This theme is part of the downstream component of the new markets of the France 2030 space roadmap.
The group of visitors then visited our 24/7 VIGISAT operational centre for a demonstration of our high-resolution satellite image analysis capabilities and our MAS maritime intelligence system, a reference tool for the surveillance of all oceans and the fight against illicit acts at sea.