
Ready to enhance your maritime surveillance? CLS is ready for takeoff

Feb 3, 2022

RPAS (Remote Piloted Aircraft Systems) aka Drones, coupled with satellite communication have taken maritime awareness to the next level.

In 2022, CLS will continue and increase the development of its drone capabilities to better serve maritime authorities. With our four drones, we are at the forefront in providing you with the most accurate and complete picture of the world’s oceans.

Our situational awareness response using RPAS helps combat daily threats and illegal activities at sea, making CLS the best partner to monitor your maritime domain.

Whatever your needs, our drones will support you in your daily missions

Ensuring security and safety at sea remains a challenge for a lot of countries. To ensure an efficient enforcement of maritime policies, governments and authorities must fully understand their maritime domains.

Whether it is about maritime patrol, law enforcement missions, fisheries control, pollution monitoring or illegal immigration control, drones are the perfect assets to complement your overall maritime surveillance chain, featuring satellites and patrol vessels.

Civilian drones: outstanding capabilities

Our drones are the most advanced medium-altitude and medium-endurance fixed-wing RPAS, helping reduce operating costs for maritime surveillance.

Nadia Maaref, Director of Maritime Surveillance at CLS: “When it comes to fight against illegal fishing, trafficking, pollution, the drone is a key complementary tool to the satellite services we provide to maritime authorities. Since 2017, we have been using many drones in the framework of missions ordered by many European actors.’’

civilian drones skills

Ongoing innovation

We have been working to set up the first commercial European maritime surveillance and environmental monitoring service based on RPAS,  supporting law enforcement agencies and coast-guards bodies on the ground.

Over the past few years, we have completed more than 1400 flight hours with our drones: overall, we have been deployed in more than 140 operations in Spain, Portugal, Italy, and France.

What’s next?

In 2022, our portfolio of RPAS services will feature new capabilities. Especially, in the frame of Search and Rescue exercises, we developed a new solution enabling to deploy lifeboats from our drones in vicinity of SAR incidents.

Besides, we performed recent tests with a new VTOL aircraft for vessel-based operations, improving the operability of RPAS assets for maritime surveillance.