This week, a part of the CLS network was gathered at the company's headquarters in Toulouse. Almost 200 participants worked hard during the whole week. The objective of the CLS group seminar: to...
Follow CLS at 2022 World Satellite Business Week (WSBW)
Join us on September 16, 2022 at the WSBW 22, which underlines the opportunities of the satellite communications & satellite imagery sectors.
Follow us at the One Ocean Summit from February 9 to 11 in Brest
On the occasion of the One Ocean Summit, CLS can welcome you in Brest for a visit of the VIGISAT station (demonstration of analysis process).
CLS is attending SEMANTIC 2021 event organized by the French Navy
Our team is currently in Toulon to present CLS’ capabilities in maritime surveillance, using satellite and drones’ data.
CLS is attending digital Maritime Reconnaissance and Surveillance Technology (MRST) 2021 trade fair from 3rd to 4th February
Meet the CLS team on MRST 2021 from 3rd to 4th February to talk about Maritime Domain Awareness platform and RPAS solutions.
CLS is attending Interpol World in Singapore, 2-4 July 2019
CLS is proud to introduce at Interpol World Singapore its brand-new Maritime Awareness System, a unique state-of-the-art platform for maritime intelligence.
European Space Week, Marseille, 3-6 December 2018
How Space is Making Maritime Surveillance Faster and Smarter? CLS was at the European Space Week 2018 in Marseille.
French Assises de l’Economie de la Mer: CLS Highlights
CLS was at the French Assises de l’Economie de la Mer. How Maritime Defence contributes to research and industrial and civil progress?
The French ‘Assises de la Mer’ – Starting Today for 2 Days of Workshops on the Blue Economy, in Brest, France
Vincent Kerbaol, CLS Brest, will speak in a workshop scheduled on November, Wednesday 28th about the Artemis project, Kinéis and CLS’ innovations.
ActInSpace 2018: AIS challenge
CLS proposes a challenge: think of potential new applications that could use the data provided by a combination of “Open data & AIS”.
CLS participates to the Marine Environment Protection Commitee (MEPC) in London
CLS is attending MEPC in order to promote space-based monitoring and analytics solutions to efficiently support enforcement of these regulations.
CLS participates to the Air Paris Show 2017 to promote space and maritime applications
The Paris Air Show 2017 “Salon du Bourget” is a privileged moment to describe the new activities and the potential offered by space solutions. In the current context of digital transition, space...
Maritime surveillance workshop in Kuala Lumpur, December 1st, 2016
CLS gathered in Kuala Lumpur about 25 persons, representing 4 countries, from maritime authorities. Presentations have been given about state of the art of technologies for maritime surveillance by...
CLS will participate to the Lomé SUMMIT on maritime security
The seas and oceans are a significant resource of considerable value to Africa. In this context, the Togolese government is organizing a series of events to run alongside the African Union...